Ideal For Athletes Who Prefer Not to Create Their Own Clips
Athlete provides full game footage on Hudl / SportsRecruits / Vimeo / etc. platforms OR uploads up to 5 games via a secure link we’ll provide
Athlete submits detailed information, using a form we provide, to highlight up to 25 specific plays.
Each clip in the reel will feature a freeze-frame and clear player identification for easy reference.
The reel includes an athlete bio page with any information athlete wishes to include.
Athlete provides full game footage on Hudl / SportsRecruits / Vimeo / etc. platforms OR uploads up to 5 games via a secure link we’ll provide
Athlete submits detailed information, using a form we provide, to highlight up to 25 specific plays.
Each clip in the reel will feature a freeze-frame and clear player identification for easy reference.
The reel includes an athlete bio page with any information athlete wishes to include.

Athlete provides full game footage on Hudl / SportsRecruits / Vimeo / etc. platforms OR uploads up to 5 games via a secure link we’ll provide
Athlete submits detailed information, using a form we provide, to highlight up to 25 specific plays.
Each clip in the reel will feature a freeze-frame and clear player identification for easy reference.
The reel includes an athlete bio page with any information athlete wishes to include.